Welcome to Christmas Week! Santa's slashing prices and taking names! Like these Resin Ashtrays. These are the best you will find anywhere and they're only $15 through Christmas!

Did someone say glass blunt holders? You there....yes you did! And we got 'em for $15 while supplies last.

Keep It Secret with scent bags, stash cans and Quikfix. Ever consider using a stashcan as a gift box?

We've slashed prices on everything. Out with the old year, in with the New Year! Get this 10 3/4" Phoenix Rizing Waterpipe for $65. Or its 9 1/2" little brother for $55.

Incense holders and incense. The last minute gift idea you need! Reduced for you procrastinating Santas.

Check out this 12" Octagon WaterPipe. No one says Santa can't buy a little something for themself!

SkateBoard magnetic lid covered trays are back! 3D image on lid and plenty of room to roll and stash. DISCLAIMER: Not responsible INJURIES INCURRED by stoned people using it as A SNOWBOARD!

Fade In, Fade Out!

We've got more deals around the store. From Ashcatchers to ZigZags, Rolling Trays to Wraps. Check it out! While there's still time!